Simone Broccoli - Feldenkrais Teacher

Simone Broccoli

Born in Cesena (FC). She graduated as a teacher of the Feldenkrais Method® in Paris in 1999.

Model on which Tina Broccoli experimented her lessons he learned in the Paris International training and later in many post trainings. After a foot accident, which did not heal with any medical intervention, he obtained improvements with the application of the Method.

He has been working for 20 years in the Center holding courses and individual lessons, obtaining results with children, adult and elderly people.

Head and Organizer of the Professional Training for Teachers of the Feldenkrais Method® in Strigara, directed by Eilat Almagor.

"Profession exercised pursuant to Law no. 4 of 14 January 2013, Provisions regarding professions not organized in orders or colleges. "

Some picture

Centro Benessere
di Simone Broccoli -
Feldenkrais Method®
C.F. BRC SMN 71B25 C573D
P.IVA 02666760406

Via Castello 11

Professional Training Feldenkrais Method ®