
Professional Training for Teachers
of the Feldenkrais Method®

First year

During the first year the students follow the process of child development.

They explore the various stages in the growth process: watching, rolling, crawling etc... and experience the relationships and the connections among and functions as a function leads to another. Students also learn to observe the movement, as is done differently by different people and what is unique in every way individual to do so. We discuss the process of human growth, that is different, special and unique in this process and how that creates individuality.

The discovery of differences is a great help to the students to learn the details of the movement.

We play a lot with this during the first year and we continue with it throughout the training.

The lessons will deal with:

The conditions and the environmental conditions necessary for this to happen, the applicability of learning through movement to other realms of life.

Read foundations of physic of mechanical. Human posture and motion under gravity. Balance, falls, support.

The four basic elements
the nervous system, muscles, skeleton and what surrounds us. How these elements work together in an action?

Following the development of the child from lying to standing, in various ways.

Second year

In the second year we discuss more theoretical aspects of the movement and we learn on a higher level, accompanied by another series of more complex lessons. This year we teach students to teach their own classes ATM. We have a lot of emphasis on the ability and understanding of a lesson from different points of view and associations. The practice is done in small groups where students discuss among themselves a lesson that will teach to other members of the class. At the end of this year our students are authorized to teach the public ATM.

The IF in the second year include a handling and still more emphasizes the observation of the difference in fine detail and movement patterns in other people.

At this point the students have experienced than a large amount of ATM and IF and can learn to associate and link between the different classes of ATM and IF and begin to have an idea of how to help someone improve their actions.

On the theoretical level we will discuss the idea of complexity in the system nervous.
This is a system that needs to organize an action while simultaneously taking into account many factors.
As We can communicate with the system to help you learn?
What we logically see how simple, is not necessarily the most simple nervous system.
So, what's simple for the system Nervous?
How do we individually with each person?
As develop our resources to do as teachers of the Feldenkrais Method?
We also discuss the lessons of Moshe Feldenkrais and how original use them effectively in teaching

Third year

During the third year we continue working on the topic developed in the first and the second year but at a higher level.

The network of ATM and IF learned is growing.

We will discuss and we will experience more aspects of learning. For example, in any learning process there is a comparison with the unknown. We need to take risks. The simplest example, the most concrete example of this is the basis and being in man's feet, as discussed in the first year.
This year we will learn how to safely take risks in other aspects and in other series of lessons.

IF will be handling the most learned, the quality of touch is refined to make it lighter and functionally oriented. We will discusse in great detail the anatomy of parts of the body. At this stage the students have a wide experience of feeling skeleton in all kinds of movements. The differentiation between body parts and the integration of these parts in the actions have now a deep meaning. So the learning of anatomy is not sterile, it is immediately related to sensation and practical action.

This year we will also see how to apply the work to a population with special needs: artists, athletes, children and the disabled

Fourth year

In the fourth year, the ATM will be more difficult (demanding).

Special attention will be made in supporting students to "stand by IF and only while they teach at home ATM.

We encourage students to do questions about their experiences of teaching made ATM Home or based on their practice of IF.

In a process Practicum students will give lessons to people IF outside the classroom.
These lessons will be observed by the trainers and students.
The lecture will be followed by a discussion and a process learning points to lead the student in making a further step in the teaching of IF.
This process happens twice during the year.
Our goal is that at the end of this year's students graduates will be able to teach safe and pleasant to the IF and ATM general public

Centro Benessere
di Simone Broccoli -
Feldenkrais Method®
C.F. BRC SMN 71B25 C573D
P.IVA 02666760406

Via Castello 11

(Houses/Apartments for vacation)

Professional Training Feldenkrais Method ®