
The Professional Training
in the Feldenkrais Method®

Description of the Professional Training

The training allows students to acquire the necessary tools to be able to teach others and improve their knowledge of their own body.
They will refine sensitivity, perception, listening to themselves and others, learning to feel by touching with precision, they will know "the art that teaches subtle stimuli", which makes learning, creates new languages ​​between nerve cells, improves vital functions and life of people.

Who is it for?

• to those who want to improve their profession: rehabilitation therapists, psychomotricists, osteopaths, psychologists, for personal enrichment and to acquire introspective tools for better observation and therapeutic intervention;
• teachers wishing to know how to help and guide students who assume incorrect postures at school, while sitting in front of their desks, to assume new, more efficient ones that improve cognitive learning and health;
• to artists, dancers, actors, musicians, singers, who want to achieve an optimal performance;
• to masseurs and those who work in the beauty sector, to learn the art of using their body at work;
• to athletes and teachers of physical education and experts in body disciplines, to obtain an ideal posture to guarantee less stress and better results;
• to people who want to get to know each other, to enhance their intellectual abilities and achieve complete well-being.

The program

• Awareness Through Movement® or group lessons.
• Functional Integration® or individual lessons:
exercise among students led by teachers and assistants.
practical work with cases and people outside the group.
each year each student will be offered 3 lessons of Functional Integration® by trainers and assistant trainers.
• Projection of videos on the lessons of Moshe Feldenkrais®.
• Deepening of the Method through demonstrations, exchanges of experiences and theoretical lessons.
• Group work between sessions.

Application of the method

The Feldenkrais® Method has been applied to people of all ages and of different professions:

• the newborn who had suffered trauma at the time of birth;
• to the adolescent with scoliosis and kyphosis;
• to people suffering from back pain, neck and lumbar pain;
• the elderly who could not get up from the chair;
• the disabled with precarious sensitivity of the limbs after years of immobility;
• to differently able people;
• the obese with problems in the sexual sphere;
• the athlete with decreased competitive performance;
• to artists wishing to improve their performance;
• to people who wish to achieve deeper self-knowledge.

Recommended Bibliography

AA.VV. Atlante di Anatomia. Giunti, 2000
Aleksandr R. Luria.Introduzione alla neuropsicologia. Il Mulino Bologna 1997
Anne D. Novità- Moreno, M.D. Il cervello. Jackson libri. Rist. 2000
Lucien Israël. Cerveau droit Cerveau gauche cultures e civilisations. Plon, Paris. 1995
Moshe Feldenkrais. Il caso di Nora Astrolabio, Roma, 1996
Moshe Feldenkrais. Il corpo e il comportamento maturo. Astrolabio, Roma, 1996
Moshe Feldenkrais. Il Metodo Feldenkrais, conoscere se stessi attraverso il movimento. ed red! Milano 2003
Moshe Feldenkrais. Le basi del Metodo per la consapevolezza dei processi psicomotori. Astrolabio, Roma, 1996
Moshe Feldenkrais. Lezioni di movimento sentire e sperimentare il Metodo Feldenkrais ed. italiana a cura di F. Ambrosio. Mediterranee, Roma 2003
Philippe Boulu. Le dynamique du cerveau entretenir sa santé cérébrale. ed. Payot, France 1991

Centro Benessere
di Simone Broccoli -
Feldenkrais Method®
C.F. BRC SMN 71B25 C573D
P.IVA 02666760406

Via Castello 11

Professional Training Feldenkrais Method ®