→ body learning
→ recovery of self-confidence and lost vitality
→ development of intellectual skills
→ greater safety for children, adults, old people
→ better performances for actors, dancers, singers, athletes
It is never easy to explain what the Feldenkrais Method® is in words, or perhaps it is better to say that it is not easy to make it understood. I invite those who want to know the method to take an individual lesson and then I also propose group lessons. In my opinion, this is the best way to introduce a person to the knowledge of the Method.
What I can say about the Feldenkrais Method®, based on my experience gained over the years, is that it's a method based on the movement, more precisely the movement in its natural expression. The Feldenkrais teacher is interested in and proposes a type of movement that makes people feel good and in a pleasant state, he does not teach a movement as a discipline. The Feldenkrais Method® tries to connect the perceptions we have about our body, taking an interest in movement as it is, observing how it happens in nature, in the space that surrounds us and how nature induced the first movements, how the child learns to select their own kind of movement, their own style.
In this situation there is no competition and there is no one who explains what and how to learn about movement, and it is this possibility of observing the way in which movement is created in the natural environment, which allows us to develop this particular learning system, one of a kind, unique in the world and was put together, composed and structured by a single person Moshe Feldenkrais (...)
Here are the first graduate students of the international Feldenkrais Training "Strigara 3":
Congratulations to all of you... fantastic group.
PS Only one of all these black eyes is authentic, it was a gesture of solidarity... maybe you can guess who really has a black eye!!!
Hello dear friends, students and faithfuls of the Centro Benessere di Simone Broccoli - Feldenkrais Method®. I wanted to thank all those who have shown care and affection after the death of my aunt Tina: it was a hard event and a great loss.
I also wanted to inform you that the center continues its activities: individual lessons, group lessons and formative training for the qualification of Teacher of the Feldenkrais Method®.
I only ask you to be patient if I do not answer your calls and requests immediately: I am very busy during the day, but as soon as I find a minute I will answer you with pleasure. I take this opportunity, with this beautiful photo of a snowdrops, a symbol of rebirth after the cold winter, to wish you a wonderful new year in the name of optimism and physical and mental well-being!
Simone Broccoli
For individual sessions (IF - Functional Integration®) and group lessons (ATM Awareness Through the Movement®) or other information, call the number +393334421233or write to the e-mail address info@centrofeldenkraiscsm.it
→ improper use of one's body
→ lack of awareness
→ repetitive, mechanical actions leading to a hectic and stressed life that causes: headache, back pain, scoliosis, kyphosis, sciatica, depression, overweight, impotence
→ deviated postures
→ breathing blocks
→ emotional blocks
→ repressed feelings
→ body stiffness
→ sexual problems
“What I’m after isn’t flexible bodies, but flexible brains. What I’m after is to restore each person to their human dignity.”"
Do you want to rediscover harmony of the body and serenity? Learn the Feldenkrais Method® to get to know yourself, to regain health and to specialize professionally.
Because it teaches how to develop 99.9% of the intellectual potential with small, simple, natural movements, although unusual and typical of our genetic system.